How to Handle a Misbehaving Child?

To have children is indeed a blessing but at times it gets too difficult to handle their mischievous behavior. Parents feel embarrassed when their child is throwing tantrums and refusing to cooperate in front of everyone at mall or at family gatherings when the child’s disobedience becomes center of attention. Due to lack of proper guidance and unavailability of parental workshops and written manuals parents are not aware how to take control of the situation. Footprints education, a rising and promising preschool near me is not only offering services as a daycare near me but is also now providing insight on parenting and its challenges.  

Causes of ill behavior in children  

Before getting towards the solution it is very important to know the root cause of it. As it is famous among psychologists “a good detailed history of the problem leads to correct diagnosis and a correct diagnosis leads to better treatment plans”.  

The more you are aware why your child is behaving in a certain way, the more you will be able to solve the issue. Some of the very common causes of disobedience in children are  
  •     Over burden
  •     Unrealistic examples of perfectionist attitude set by elders  
  •     Boredom
  •     Tiredness  
  •     For seeking attention
  •     Physical, emotional or mental pressures
  •     Disturbed parental relations or toxic family environment  
  •     Not finding ways to let their stress out
  •     Copying a role model (imitating any misbehaving person, cartoon or public figure)

How to make a child well-behaved?  

1. Listen to your child  

Do not just jump into finding solutions and abandon what child has to say. The common pattern of parents is to silence the sobbing child with threats and counter shouting which is toxic and can lead to many behavioral and personalities issues in child. It is very important to listen what child wants to convey, for most of the times just listening can save us from taking other measures.  

Child psychologists encourage parents to sit and make your selves available at the eye level of your child. Do not just listen but also hold their hands and make a gentle eye contact.  

2. Ask them

Next time when you notice your child acting out instead of telling them to behave, ask them  

  •     how could you help them?  
  •     Is there something you could do to comfort them?  
  •     What is making them so irritable?  

3. Identify their stressors  

The misbehavior in your child could be due to any stressor and these stressors might not be as important to you as they are to them. Some children are sensitive to noise, light or certain smells. It is possible they do not want to be around certain people or are uncomfortable at any place. For children sitting idle and have nothing to be could also generate feelings of stress.

4. Lesson their burden  

Just as boredom triggers misbehavior, indulging the child in too many activities can over burden them. Some children might enjoy swimming but others might feel it as a burden similarly a child might have fun during a painting class but the other one wants to play outdoor.

5. Children learn what they see

Albert bandura in his famous bobo doll experiment concluded that children imitate what they see.  

If your child is badly behaving there is high probability that they are copying someone in their surroundings. It could be a friend, a family member, a member of community, a cartoon or their favorite character on television.

6. Set age appropriate boundaries  

To make child disciplined it is important to set healthy boundaries. For example, they have to eat meal only on the dinner table, to have a glass of milk and vegetables is a must, clean the room after playing, finish homework first, clearly defined internet and television viewing limits and etc. Tell them if they do not respect these limits there will be consequences like no dessert, reduce cartoon time or playing time.

7. Discipline is not punishment  

Parents often feel guilty after setting boundaries and other means for disciplining their child. It is important to know discipline is not punishment rather it is a help that you are providing your child to move in society as a respectful member.   


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